A new era of cokreation.
As we each birth our unique creations we are anchoring a higher vibration into the collective consciousness.
CoKreative’s vision is to accelerate the journey of the soul to be fully embodied into the form.
Giving you the containers, tools and support to help guide you through this flow journey to assist you to step into your creations. Your creations, your ideas, your visions, your initiatives are needed here on earth. There is space for them here, to be seen, heard, accepted and loved.
The CoKreative Approach
CoKreative is a non-linear, Channeled System of Flow* approach to assist in supporting the evolution of a creation; an idea, initiative or business venture. It is about working with creation energy to plant the seeds of our initiatives to allow the energy to move more fluidly through our BEING and beyond. This allows us to bridge and integrate the expansive energy of your creation into form, in this 3D reality. The co-creation aspect assists in expanding the opening of the space to which our creation can more easily move through. Each person in the co-creative space plays a significant role in acting as a doorway to help bridge the gap to assist us in moving forward in what is ready to be birthed through us.
It is our understanding that each creation has a life of its own, and is here to guide us closer into truly embodying that which we are here to be. It’s not just about creating a business, rather it’s about bringing our creations into our form and embodying or becoming our creations. This embodiment brings all bodies (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual) into unity, anchoring it more deeply into this timeline. Utilizing all our internal systems to birth our creation into this reality and create an imprint of change into the collective evolution.
‘We do not need to see the whole picture in order to move forward. Yet, we need to be willing to allow ourselves to follow the breadcrumbs as they fall and trust that we will naturally move into alignment with what is meant to be.’
One of the first steps to making our creations a reality is to express it. By sharing our vision allows it to be seen, held and heard – and in turn allows us to step further into what we are here to create. Because our creations are a part of us, a part of our soul calling us forward to play a part in weaving the creation energy back into our everyday life.
So many people have such brilliant ideas, and end up holding them in for one reason or another – often it’s because of fear – fear of what others will think, fear of failing, fear of it not turning out how you want it… This fear can be all consuming and make us lose sight of the fact that the idea came to us for a reason.
These ideas are often your soul communicating to you; to help show you why and what you are here to create in this lifetime. This creation may be small, or grand but the moment you voice your vision – this becomes a commitment to yourself to consciously accept that which wants to be moved through you. And as we continue to express our creations, work with them, be present with them, listen to them – they will help guide you to let go of all that stands between you and your vision.
How far are you willing to go in order to embody the creation that wants to be birthed through you?
CoKreative Channeled System of Flow

PLAY | Intuitive Expansion Space
This is where you connect to your intuitive abilities, play in the expansion beyond the mind’s limitations and open your container of awareness to the endless possibilities. CoKreative is about play first and “work” second. Play first opens us up to expansion allowing us to gather information in all spaces first before moving into integration. Playing together, allows doorways within each other to be opened and explored.
INTEGRATE | The Learning Process
Tuning into what ideas and energies are present and what is ready to move through you. Moving into alignment with the vision that is presenting itself. Working with the new methods, concepts and approaches you have learnt that feel right for you and implementing them in your own way. Working with those that you feel called to support you in letting go of the roadblocks, shifting out of the old and into the new.
ANCHOR | Creating your ideas in this reality
Bringing those ideas that are ready to land into this reality. Addressing the who, what, and how’s. Continuing to explore and remaining open to new ways of creating. Intuitive connecting with the tools and platforms needed to have your idea reach those that need it.