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CoKreative Gatherings

In-person gatherings to explore the infinite possibilities by showing up and supporting one another in our creations.

A CoKreative Gathering

We are the co-creators of this reality and creation is calling you but no longer to do it alone. It is time to join with others like minds and hearts and gather to support each other in a different way – to create from a space of love. 

These CoKreative Gatherings are an in-person opportunity for us to come together and be supported by one another to find your own flow by:

  • Tuning into the energy of what is present
  • Letting go of control and the need to know
  • Surrender to the unknown 
  • Being present with the flow of creation
  • Getting out of our heads and our own way
  • Connecting to our innate abundant nature (dropping the lack or competition energy)
  • Opening to what wants to move through you
  • Playing in the infinite and expand into what is possible


You will get a chance to…

  • Making our creations a priority! No more leaving it on the back burner, putting it at the bottom of the pile.. 
  • Dedicated time to focus on our creations – giving space to feed our creations.
  • It is all about play – activating all sense and inviting our ‘whole’ selves (multidimensional selves) to be present/included [this is where the tech supports]
  • Utilizing each others gifts and abilities (many of us are not living our souls purpose or are in jobs/careers where our gifts are left dormant – lets activate them and turn them on together)
  • Feel connected and supported in a sa cred intention container. You are free to be YOU.. show up as you are. No expectations here.
  • Play with other like-minds and loving souls.
  • Bring your gifts online (not in the digital word but “turning on” our gifts). Those abilities and gifts you have that are waiting to be expressed through you.
  • Focus on ourselves and each other to co-elevate and accelerate our creations and our consciousness in this world.
  • Experience the Infinity Series technology that will assist in holding us in an unconditional love field. You will have different opportunities to connect more deeply with them and play/work with them to help moving things forward.


Who is this for?

This event is here to bring those who have a deep calling to bring a new way of doing, being, creating and living – one that is driven by trust, surrender and love.

This event is for:

  • The visionaries, the dreamers, and the creators who know they are here to anchor a vision into this reality.
  • Those who have that inner sense, that inner knowing that they are here for more… you may not know exactly what that is but you are ready to explore that ‘niggle’ you can no longer deny.
  • Those who have been postponing creation and ready to answer the call.
  • Anyone who has a creation, business, or idea and are tired of doing it alone.. and are seeking to collaborate in some way.
  • Those who want to focus on bringing new energies into our creations – to do business differently.

Upcoming Events

Fill out the form if you are interested in attending.

Note these may shift depending on the number of those interested. We trust that those who are feeling called to connect in person will reach out.

If you want to come for a day or the whole 3 or 5 days please let us know. Additionally, if there are other dates that come to you that feel right please share too.