Ready to play in a new way?
CoKreative offers different areas of exploration for you to play in space with other gifted purpose-centered individuals.
CoKreative Circle Events
Join the Cokreative Circle to explore each unique space created to support you in to birthing your creative ideas, initiatives, businesses and visions into an abundant, infinitely expansive and loving container.
Play Space
Facilitated by: Cassandra Little
CoKreative offers an open creation space for you to birth your creative ideas, initiatives, businesses and visions into an abundant, infinitely expansive and loving container. A space to get out of the linear way of doing, the limited thinking mind and move into the expansive flow PLAY space.
We will be creating together in a new approach to help to support one another to get out of our OWN WAY. We all have some amazing ideas, initiatives and businesses that are waiting to be birthed and it is in this play space where we invite everyone to play a part in opening up to what else is possible and exploring different ways of creating. Expect the unexpected!
We all carry a unique energy and when we come together we can activate one another to look beyond the limitations of the linear mind and begin to explore other possibilities.
On these CoKreative group gatherings we will call upon 1-3 individuals to share their idea/initiative/vision and invite everyone to tap into their intuition, and other senses to assist in accelerating each of journeys in a unique way. Letting go of the need to know, or feeling like you have to do this all on your own, it’s time for us to coKreate together and root more deeply into the unity consciousness we are all part of.
Dream Space
Facilitated by: Bobby
In the dream space, we come together and dream on behalf of who we TRULY are… Where we seed a new reality. It happens by being in calm-unity with ourselves, by being in calm-unity with others, by being in calm-unity with Nature. We are the vision in motion – being expressed through our own source connection.
In the stillness, become fully present and notice what is being embodied in the moment. Where are you creating from. Is there grasping, holding something that is stopping flow? Release and allow yourself to Be the dreamer, the visioner, and the creator that you are here to be.
It is already happening… the elements are already there, ready to be dreamed… birthed into reality. Open, receive and allow the gift of creation to flow.
Learning Activation Space
Facilitated by: Andrea Austin
We all have the answers inside ourselves, but sometimes it is nice to have friends to help us get out from behind the door.
Welcome to the conscious learning and exploration space where together we can open doors to get behind what is stopping us from moving forward from love. A space where you can focus on getting out of our own way, and consciously create space for accessing the higher mind to guide you in moving forward.
In this space we will bring frequencies and energy to assist in the letting go and explore topics of conversation to create a space of self-exploration and reflection to help all of us to remember who we are. Who are we without our stories?
Topics will include sacred exchange, patterns, stories, and letting go, surrender, trust and much, much more. All designed for you to explore and bring awareness to how you can live a life from inspired action and love, instead of our linear thinking minds.
Each space will include personal reflection space, journaling, questions and exploration all within the stillness of your own mind. Allowing the mind and ego to realize this is actually a way being, a way of living from deep inside.
Embodied Play Space
Facilitated by: Darryl & Cassandra
As we bring a month to a close, we invite in the energy of play once again, in a different way, in the Embodied Play Space. Letting go of anything we moved through, welcomed in or allowed that month and integrating it further by sharing together through dancing, sound meditation, voice journey, or frequencies. We unite together, and within as we open up to letting go of that which no longer serves us, and invite in the energy of freedom, expansion and love.
March Experience: Opening with dance and movement to connect us to our bodies, and the energy of play. Then finishing off with using our voice to sound guided by drumming and channeled light language.
To sign up for the events above join the CoKreative community! The first month is FREE for you to experience and explore that works for you.