CoKreative Play Space

Connect to your inner knowing, let go of the need to know and play in the infinite space of possibilities with one another to accelerate our journey of creation.

CoKreative Play Space

CoKreative is an open creation space for you to birth your creative ideas, initiatives, businesses and visions into an abundant, infinitely expansive and loving container.

We will be creating together in a new approach to help to support one another to get out of our OWN WAY. We all have some amazing ideas, initiatives and businesses that are waiting to be birthed and it is in this play space where we invite everyone to play a part in opening up to what else is possible and exploring different ways of creating. Expect the unexpected!

We all carry a unique energy and when we come together we can activate one another to look beyond the limitations of the linear mind and begin to explore other possibilities.

In a CoKreative Play Space call you get the chance to:


Tap into your intution


Explore endless possibilities


Open to recieve guidance and support


Be present with what is


Let go of our need to know


Take a break from your linear thinking mind


Each call is unique as those who show up come with their own unique energy and as we play together something new arises for each of us.

We call upon 1-3 individuals to ‘go into the middle of the circle’ to share their idea/initiative/vision. Then we open up circle and invite everyone to offer a reflection, tap into their intuition, and other senses to assist in accelerating each of journeys in a unique way. This is a practice in letting go of the need to know, or feeling like you have to do this all on your own, it’s time for us to coKreate together and root more deeply into the unity consciousness we are all part of.


Once a month come gather with heart-centered individuals and be supported in sharing your initiatives. All groups are currently being facilitated via Zoom.

Register in advance. Limited to 12 participates.

This play space is open for everyone who is looking for motivation, inspiration, support, and encouragement to moving into alignment with creation.