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Ready to play in a new way?

CoKreative offers different areas of exploration for you to play in space with other gifted purpose-centered individuals.

You are welcome here in our community of creators.

We offer both in-person sand online events for those we are ready to dive in and journey with your creation in a new way, and connect with other purpose-centered individuals.

Awaken To Your Inner Creative Flow

Exploring our own inner creative flow and what is stopping you from accessing this powerful life force energy using healing frequencies and scalar energy technology.

To live and create from our creative flow means to get out of our own way and allow the information to flow through us. To shift out of the need to know, and into our inner knowing – moving from our limited thinking minds and calling in the senses of our hearts. Trusting in the creation evolution process as it organically arises, while remaining open to what is possible.

Working with our creative flow offers us a chance to remember what it feels like to create our businesses, and our life from a place of inner coherence and connectivity within. To align to the greater aspect of ourselves and allow anything that is not in alignment to fall away.

Sunday, November 12th from 3-5:30pm MST
Location: YogaMCC – 2028B 33 Ave SW Calgary, AB

CoKreative Play Space

Come and go, open space to explore, reflect and have your creations be heard and seen – to inspire, and create movement within.

CoKreative Play Space offers an open creation space for you to birth your creative ideas, initiatives, businesses and visions into an abundant, infinitely expansive and loving container. A space to get out of the linear way of doing, the limited thinking mind and move into the expansive flow PLAY space.

On these CoKreative group gatherings we will call upon 1-3 individuals to share their idea/initiative/vision and invite everyone to tap into their intuition, and other senses to assist in accelerating each of journeys in a unique way. Letting go of the need to know, or feeling like you have to do this all on your own, it’s time for us to coKreate together and root more deeply into the unity consciousness we are all part of. Free to join and experience!

Thursday, November 9th from 11am – 1pm MST.


Journey with six creators, to strengthen your intuition, discover your own flow and make space for what you are here to create.

Creator Minds is a space to reconnect to the origin of creation and explore what arises when we get out of our limited minds, and step into the expansion of endless possibilities.

Inviting in all aspects of ourselves; our divine mind, our soul, our intuitive senses, as we come together with the shared intention to make space to explore what we are here to create in this life. To receive and allow the essence of creative flow to move through us, guide us and to truly reconnect to the co-creative aspect of how living was meant to be.